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最近养猫的家庭越来越多了,但是很多并不太了解猫的习性以及天性,很多人都是按着养狗的观念来养猫,或者是在同一环境中养太多猫。 新闻或者朋友圈经常看到这样画面猫咪坠楼,猫咪发情期间离家出走了等等意外发生。
意外坠楼 只要是二楼以上,建议都封闭阳台门窗,以防猫咪坠楼,尤其是年轻的小猫。 猫咪为什么会坠楼,可能是失足、想追逐鸟儿、昆虫、或者把玩窗台边上的绳索等。 猫咪坠楼之后会造成骨折、肺挫伤、气胸等问题,即使能够治好,治疗过程猫咪也是极度疼痛,甚至需要一段时间的住院治疗甚至手术,其中的医疗费用恐怖不是每个宠物主人都能承担得起的。 Tokyo
Akihabara: Also known as the Electric Town, Akihabara is a hub for electronics, anime, manga, and video game stores. You'll find numerous shops selling manga, anime DVDs, cosplay items, figurines, and video games. You could also visit one of the many maid cafes in the area.
Nakano Broadway: This shopping complex is another excellent spot for manga and anime enthusiasts. It's filled with shops selling collectibles, both new and second-hand.